Supplier Diversity Corporate Baseline Assessment

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1.- Do you currently have a Supplier Diversity Program?
3.- Do you have Supplier Diversity Staff?
5.- Does your Supplier Diversity Staff have roles outside of supplier diversity?
10.- Do you have a budget to manage your supplier diversity program?
12.- What diversities does your program recognize?
13.- Do you require diverse suppliers to be certified?
14.- Do you accept classified suppliers?
15.- Do you accept self-certified suppliers?
16.- Do you have goals associated with your Supplier Diversity Program?
17.- Is your goal a dollar goal or a percentage goal?
18.- Do you have any other goals associated with your Supplier Diversity Program?
20.- Are the goals shared goals?
22.- Do departments and/or divisions have goals?
23.- If so, are the goals shared across the entire organization?
24.- Do you have long-standing contracts and relationships with non-diverse suppliers?
25.- What is the average number of years that you hold contracts with non-diverse suppliers?
26.- How often does your company engage diverse suppliers for opportunities?
27.- Does the CEO/C-Suite support the Supplier Diversity Program?
28.- Does the CEO/C-Suite communicate the Supplier Diversity Goals to the Organization?
29.- Does the Supplier Diversity Professional meet with the CEO/C-Suite?
30.- Does your Supplier Diversity Program have a Steering Committee?
31.- If so, does the Steering Committee have CEO/C-suite members?
34.- If you have a committee, how often does the Committee meet?
37.- Do you provide advance or prompt payments to your suppliers?
38.- Does the Supplier Diversity Program Track Spend?
39.- If so, how often do you track the diversity spend?
40.- How often do you measure spend to goals?
41.- How often do you report spend to the departments and divisions?
42.- How often do you report spend to the CEO/C-Suite?
43.- Do you have a Supplier Diversity Policy Statement?
44.- Does your current spend file list the diversities of the suppliers?
45.- Are your suppliers required to report direct spend (i.e. spend from suppliers being used specifically for work related to your contract “only”)?
46.- Are your suppliers required to report indirect spend (i.e. spend from suppliers being used that are not doing work related to your contract)?
47.- Do you have a difficult time finding diverse suppliers to incorporate in your supply chain?
48.- If so, which diversity’s do you have a hard time finding?
49.- Are you able to determine the diversity of your suppliers?
50.- Do you track the diversity of your suppliers?
51.- Have you ever scrubbed your supplier files to determine who is diverse?
52.- If so, how often do you scrub your files?
54.- Do you have relationships with organizations who support diverse suppliers?
55.- If so, who do you have relationships with?
56.- Do you engage the local community for opportunities that are available?
57.- Do you attend local conferences/trade shows to connect with diverse suppliers?
59.- Do you attend national conferences/trade shows to connect with diverse suppliers?
60.- If so, which do you attend?
61.- Does your Supplier Diversity Program connect with internal buyers/category managers to determine forecasting for future opportunities?
62.- If so, how often do you connect with the internal buyers/category managers?
63.- Do your suppliers have to participate in a competitive bid to win your business?
64.- If so, is your bid process blind, meaning suppliers are not permitted to reveal any company information during the competitive process?
65.- Do you require that at least one diverse supplier compete on the bid?
66.- Do you provide feedback to diverse suppliers who do not win bids?
67.- Is there support training or communications provided to the diverse supplier population surrounding bids?
68.- Does your company compete on solicitations or request for proposals to win contracts?
69.- Have you ever competed on bids that require diverse suppliers in order to win the bid?
70.- Does your company compete on solicitations that require a subcontracting plan with diverse suppliers?
71.- If so, does your company provide diverse suppliers with financial support for the solicitation?
72.- Are you engaged in any mentoring programs?
73.- Are you a Federal Contractor?
74.- Do you have other government contracts?
75.- Do your government customers require you to report diversity spend?
76.- Do you have corporate customers that require you to report diversity spend?
77.- Have you lost business due to a lack of Supplier Diversity initiatives?
78- Do you report Tier 2 for clients and customers?
79.- Do you have a Tier 2 Diversity Program for prime contractors to report to you?
80.- If so, how often do you require suppliers report Tier 2 Spend?
81.- Do you have a Tier 2 Policy document that you provide prime contractors?
82.- Does your contract language include information about Diverse Suppliers or any Diverse Flow-Down Language?
83.- If so, does your Supplier Diversity contract language prohibit discrimination in the supply chain?
84.- Does your contract language require or suggest a spend goal?
85.- If so, what percent do you require or suggest?
86.- Does your contract language require suppliers participate in your Tier 2 Program?
87.- Do you allow contracting suppliers to redline your organization's contract language regarding diverse suppliers?
88.- Do you have exclusivity contracts with prime contractors, that prevent you from utilizing other suppliers?
89.- Do you allow Managed Service Providers (MSP) to compete on the same business that they are responsible for managing?
90.- Do you have a Supplier Diversity Registration Portal?
91.- Do you have a system where suppliers are required to report their diversity spend?
92.- If so, do you provide training for suppliers on the use of the systems?
93.- Does your company have a performance-tracking tool?
94.- Are the diverse suppliers tracked in the tool?
95.- Do you evaluate the diverse suppliers based on the feedback in the tool?
96.- Do you create a strategic plan for your Supplier Diversity Program?
97.- Is this plan completed annually?
98.- How often do you evaluate your strategic plan?
99.- Do you evaluate your Supplier Diversity Program systems and other mechanisms in place?
100.- How often do you evaluate your Supplier Diversity Program’s systems, and other mechanisms in place?
101.- Do you have a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) or documented processes in place regarding your Supplier Diversity Program?
102.- If so, how often do you update your SOP or processes for your Supplier Diversity Program?
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